Your stay in London

Medical concierge services

Bespoke packages for patients and their families – combining medical, travel and accommodation requirements – are an increasingly popular choice for visitors to London

Medical concierge services are a valuable aid to patients and their families
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As the many examples featured in this publication demonstrate, there is a wealth of world-leading hospitals, clinics and medical specialists from which international patients can choose when planning a visit to London. In fact, the options are so numerous that making a decision can be quite daunting – from choosing the most suitable place for treatment to selecting where to stay.

Medical concierge services are a valuable aid to patients and their families, navigating the often complicated range of options to take the pressure and uncertainty out of planning a visit to London. Most concierge services can draw upon an extensive network of medical specialists and are working with a wide range of the city's best-known hotels to ensure that every stay is as comfortable as possible.

London Medical Concierge (LMC) is among the leading providers of such services in London, offering personalised concierge services to design a bespoke package specifi cally for the patient and their family, with support that continues during the course of their stay.

The company was founded by CEO Kirsty Ettrick, who realised the necessity of such a service after spending many hours searching for experts and treatment options after her husband had been diagnosed with a complex and aggressive cancer. Following her difficult experience, Ettrick dedicated herself to building a network of experts highly regarded in their fields to help other people to avoid similar difficulties.

Each potential patient is assessed by LMC’s team to create an individual clinical pathway, connecting the patient to the most appropriate medical specialist for their needs. Where this may be of most value is in the treatment of cancer, where connections with London’s globally renowned oncologists and researchers into immunotherapy ensure that patients can find the cancer care that is most appropriate.

Of high importance to patients considering treatment outside their own country is the sense of discretion that being treated in London can provide. For example, couples experiencing fertility issues and reproductive health problems are, understandably, dealing with a problem that is a very private and sensitive matter. Similarly, somebody seeking assistance with an addiction or mental health issue may also seek privacy when receiving treatment for a difficult problem.

In such cases, receiving treatment away from home in different surroundings might be an ideal option for patients. The personal services offered by medical concierge companies also make sure that patients are guided in their treatment choices and with the utmost discretion.

Seeking specialist medical services for children is also an area that can be made much easier with the help of a medical concierge, which can also provide dietary, emotional and behavioural support. Also, as in the case of LMC, its network enables patients to access maternity services and obstetrics at some of the UK’s most highly regarded private maternity facilities.

As well as advising on the best pathway for medical treatment for patients visiting London, medical concierge services also cater for the needs of their families, who may be accompanying them for a long period, especially over the summer months.

Accommodation options that can be organised by a concierge range from rooms and suites in London’s impressive range of top-quality hotels to private apartments and family houses, with the aim of creating a ‘home away from home’ in the city. Further support services that patients and their families might select include individual nursing, chefs, housekeeping, childcare and home assistance. Many patients benefit from being able to recover from their treatment in their own accommodation, or to receive some ongoing treatments that may not necessitate a regular visit to hospital.

As part of their package of services to make a visit to London as smooth as possible, concierge services can also arrange flights, airport transfers, private drivers and the secure transfer of medical records.

Understanding the often complex information from a medical consultation can be intimidating, even for those already fluent in English. Translators can also be provided to make sure that patients and their families are kept fully informed at every stage.

It is little surprise that increasing numbers of visitors to London for specialist treatment are turning to medical concierge services for assistance in arranging their stay in the capital. During a period that  can obviously be stressful for patients and their families alike, having a helping hand for both medical and practical daily matters provides obvious benefits to make their time in London the best it can be.

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