Hospitals and clinics

The future of personalised prevention

OneWelbeck’s specialist facility offers state-of-the-art screening, with an emphasis on promoting good health and disease prevention, alongside world-class diagnosis and treatment

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The capital’s most accessible and advanced destination for world-class healthcare, OneWelbeck is a specialist facility for minimally invasive day surgery and outpatient diagnostics spread across nine floors in the heart of London. Utilising state-of-the-art technology and the most recent medical developments, OneWelbeck has embedded an ethos to focus on early recognition of disease and preventative management, rather than waiting to diagnose and treat when one becomes unwell.

Health promotion and disease prevention are not just cost-effective, but also mean that one benefits from living a healthier life. Conditions such as bowel cancer and heart disease can be almost entirely prevented with effective screening and appropriate management. Other conditions, including breast and lung cancer, have considerably better outcomes and survival rates if identified earlier. 

OneWelbeck has built an integrated screening service utilising the expertise of over 300 clinician partners. Access to the latest technology and personalising management plans to the needs of the individual allows for an unparallelled bespoke health assessment service.

Executive health-screening services

National guidelines, up-to-date clinical evidence and collaborative input from our medical directors across 16 specialities have been paramount in the development of our health assessment service. By offering all tests within a single facility, and a flexible schedule suited to the client’s availability, OneWelbeck not only ensures appropriate tests are requested, but also prompt follow-up appointments are put in place if the need should arise. 

Each individual health assessment comprises of a personalised programme of investigations, selected according to an individual’s health requirements and risk profile. This is put in place after an in-depth consultation with a screening doctor. 

Access to world-leading specialists’ input from every aspect of the screening package and having all tests, including bloods and imaging, under the same roof is unique to the market and an offering that OneWelbeck is proud of. On the day of the health assessment, if urgent specialist review is required this can be expedited and accommodated.

Recognising that a day of transitioning between tests can be lengthy and tiresome, the health assessment team has taken additional measures to allow for the most comfortable experience.Each individual is allocated a personal relaxation pod in our executive lounge area, and a dedicated client liaison manager who facilitates their testing itinerary and chaperones them throughout the building, ensuring they are in the right place and time for each of their scheduled tests. Individual test results are consolidated by the screening doctor into a comprehensive health report. During a follow-up consultation, the screening doctor will go through the findings of the report with each individual and customise an action plan. 

Standalone screening services

Navigating various health packages can be overwhelming, so an alternative option of an initial, comprehensive 60-minute consultation with our experienced screening doctors, including physical and psychological assessment, can be offered. This ensures a holistic approach to health and wellness and is an excellent starting point for patients. Following the initial consultation, the individual, along with their Health Assessment doctor, will develop a plan together that will suit one’s own medical needs and achieve optimal management for their health journey.

“Optimising your physical and mental health is integral to achieving a long, productive and fulfilling life. In a fast-paced world, modern living can lead to increased levels of stress, and busy individuals will often make choices that lead to detrimental health effects. 
“We combine world-class consultants and clinicians with the latest technology under one roof to offer the best preventative care available. We know how important it is to take charge of your own health.”

Dr Simrat Marwah, Medical Director, OneWelbeck

Cutting-edge technology

Whole-body 360° mole mapping: At OneWelbeck, we are proud to offer the UK’s most advanced form of mole mapping available in the UK. The whole-body 3D imaging system captures the entirety of the skin surface in one macro-quality resolution with a single capture. The integrated artificial intelligence also flags any changes to moles during subsequent mapping, as well as identifying new moles that have emerged since the previous images were captured. Individual moles or lesions are further examined, if warranted, using a microscopic light called a dermatoscope.

AI integrated 3D mammogram: With breast cancer being the most common cancer in the UK, regular breast screening enables early detection and prevention from the disease. The 3D-screening mammogram at OneWelbeck is the most technologically advanced in the UK, where annual asymptomatic screening is offered to all women over the age of 40. For symptomatic patients, our triple-assessment breast clinics are led by one of our breast surgeons, who may recommend a 3D mammogram, a breast ultrasound and a biopsy or fine-needle aspiration, if deemed necessary. Any samples are sent to the pathology laboratory, and we usually expect results in 72 hours.

MRI – including body composition analysis: We offer both 1.5T and 3T scanners, depending on the body part. 1.5T scanners are preferable to produce the best images for our cardiac MRI referral base. 3T scanners offer double the magnetic field strength of 1.5T scanners, which can significantly improve image quality for small-field-of-view imaging, such as in the fingers and forefeet.

OneWelbeck also offers body composition analysis in our MRI service, providing an overview of the composition of the body, based on five core measurements including liver, subcutaneous fat and muscle fat. Our unique partnership with leading imaging equipment manufacturer GE Healthcare gives us access to the latest technology. Our equipment is selected and configured by leading radiologists and is continually optimised by on-site specialists.

Fibroscan liver screening: A fibroscan is a special type of ultrasound that gives us information about the stiffness of the liver and is the gold-standard non-invasive solution for comprehensive management of liver health. This advanced diagnostic tool plays a pivotal role in helping our team of specialists identify fatty liver, which has become more prevalent in recent years.

Lung function test: At OneWelbeck, we offer the gold-standard method for measuring lung volumes with the most up-to-date technology on the market to provide full lung function testing, including spirometry and lung plethysmography. Additionally, we provide specialised tests to assess the strength of the breathing muscles, the degree of inflammation (a FeNO test), and our specialists can assess the airways’ response to “provoking” agents to confirm a diagnosis of asthma.

DEXA scan: Bone density scans are often used to diagnose or assess a person’s risk of osteoporosis – a debilitating condition causing bone weakening and increased susceptibility to fractures. This expedient and painless scan surpasses the efficacy of normal X-rays in identifying low bone density. The amount of radiation used during a bone density scan is very low, equivalent to less than two days’ exposure to natural background radiation. The results are usually used alongside a fracture-risk assessment to assess a patient’s chances of osteoporosis and breaking a bone.

To learn more about our services or to refer a patient, please call +44 (0)20 3653 2000 or visit

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